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*''We have brought 115.000.000 tons of water to our resources in the Blue Water Footprint in the last 2 years.'' 09.01.2023
*This result was obtained with the reports of the distributing municipalities.
Those who think what the savings change in just 1 tap ...
* Our products save approximately 350-400 tons of water in 1 tap in 1 year.
If we manage to extend TRY in all faucets in Turkey, the annual amount of water-saving water means saving 40 billion tonnes.
The annual water consumption of our country is 112 billion tons.
1520 tons of water per person per year. We can increase this amount over 2000 tons.
* Calculated on a tap that runs continuously for 2 hours daily.
Air Mixed Water Saving aerator
Pfister Saving Shower Regulator
İTÜ Çekirdek Big Bang Start-up Challenge 2020
İTÜ Çekirdek Big Bang Start-up Challenge 2020
* We spend 10 tons of water per year while shaving. Annual water consumption with Delifer Energy 1 ton
* If we wash vegetables and fruits under open tap in 1 year, we will spend 18 tons of water. 1.8 tons of water is consumed with Delifer Energy.
* The tap you leave open while brushing your teeth consumes 12 tons of water per year. Delifer Energy consumes 1.2 tons of water.
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